
Carbon Equivalent (CEV) Calculation

CEV stands for “Carbon Equivalent Value”. With this tool you can calculate the CEV value. A maximum of three digits after the decimal point are required for this. The formula used by the International Institute of Welding is only recommended from a carbon content of 0.18 percent. Below 0.18% the Ito-Bessyo formula is used.

Carbon Equivalent (CEV) Definition

The weldability of steel depends to a large extent on the carbon content. The carbon equivalent is used to determine the carbon content and thus the weldability of a steel. This comparative value then provides information about the weldability of the steel.

There are many factors that can affect the weldability of steels. In addition to the carbon content, this also includes the influence of other alloying elements. It is known that the carbon content still allows good weldability at 0.2 percent. However, the influence of the other alloying elements is more difficult to determine. Therefore, a specific formula was developed by the International Institute of Welding to include these factors in the calculation. However, it must not be forgotten that this formula is not a universal formula due to the large number of steel grades. So all informations are without warrancy.

Therefore, two formulas can be found below. Once according to the formula of the International Institute of Welding for steel, which has a carbon content of +0.18 percent:

CEV (%) = %C + %Mn/6 + (%Cu + %Ni)/15 + (%Cr + %Mo + %V)/5

On the other hand, we have listed the Ito-Bessyo formula since it is applicable to steels with a carbon content of less than 0.18 percent:

CEV (%) = %C + %Si/30 + (%Mn + %Cu + %Cr)/20 + %Ni/60 + %Mo/15 + %V/10 + 5(%B)

Formel – International Institute of Welding (I.I.W.)

CEV-Rechner für Stahl